Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
+974 4403-5067

Our Team

Program Director
Dr. Mazen Elmasri

Dr. Mazen is a certified project management professional (PMP) and an Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems at Qatar University. Mazen’s the Director of the FinTech Innovation Center at Qatar University. Previously, he worked as IT project manager and IT director in Canada for 8 years. Mazen’s expertise is in IT project risk management. He is currently a PI on a 3-year NPRP-7 project on big data analytics. Mazen’s role is to coordinate the intertwined work of the five sub-projects. Specifically, he is in charge of integrating the outcomes of 5 other sub-projects, reporting progress and maintaining phase gates, and insuring achievement of milestones. Moreover, Mazen will be in charge of disseminating the knowledge shared across the 5 other sub-projects.

FinTech Qatar
Creativity is thinking up new things.
Innovation is doing new things.
Team members

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.

Project consultancy

 Giving consultants to companies that would like to adopt Blockchain

Project success

Guiding companies until they reach their eventual goal

Blockchain Architect
Dr. Karim Al-Yafi

Dr. Karim Al-Yafi is an assistant professor of management information system at the College of Business and Economics at Qatar University. With a software engineering and business analysis background, he obtained his PhD in Management science and Information Systems from Brunel Business School, Brunel University London. The main research interests of Dr. Al-Yafi include the evolution and evaluation of e-Government solutions and the role of ICT in policymaking and public sector strategic management. His research interests extend to cover also the use of multi-agent systems to evaluate the use of mobile and ubiquitous technologies to optimize enterprises’ functional performance and underlying information systems infrastructure. In this context, he co-authored and participated in several research project proposals submitted to European Commission, EPSRC UK, and the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF). Other technical fields in which Dr. Al-Yafi is interested are Web 2.0 programming, open source software, e-Learning and business intelligence & data mining. Dr. Al-Yafi has presented his research through multiple research papers and international conferences and workshops, notably at the IEEE international workshop on Enabling Technologies.

Lead Principal Investigators

Mazen El-masri
Associate Professor Information Systems, Qatar University Project Management Sub-project. Also a PI in the Governance Sub-project
David Yin Yang
Associate Professor of ICT, College of Science and Engineering, HBKU Blockchain Infrastructure Sub-project
Ting Yu
Research Director of the Cyber Security Unit at QCRI, HBKU Blockchain Security Sub-project
Mohamed Haouari
Professor of Industrial Engineering, Qatar University Resource Complementarity Sub-project
Sanjay Chawla
Research Director of QCRI’s Data Analytics Group, HBKU Augmented Intelligence Sub-project
Mohammed Al-Khulaifi
Dean of College of Law and Professor of Commercial Law, Qatar University Governance Sub-project

Principal Investigators

Waiel Said
E-government Portfolio Director, ictQATAR/Malomatia
Saif Al‑Kuwari
Assistant Professor, College of Science and Engineering, HBKU

Blockchain Infrastructure Sub-project

Karim Al-Yafi
Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems, Qatar University. Also a PI in the Governance Sub-project
Issa Khalil
Principal Scientist in the Cyber Security Group, QCRI, HBKU
Mohamad Akef Habbal
Research Assistant Computer Science Master’s in Computing at Qatar University
Ahmad Kajjan
Research Assistant Computer Science
Abdulhamid Touma
Research Assistant, Computer Science

Blockchain Security Sub-project

Yazan Boshmaf
Research Scientist, QCRI, HBKU
Businessman silhouette as avatar or default profile picture
Johnny L. Karam
Co-Founder & Business Development Director, AKcess Labs. Also a PI in the Augmented Intelligence Sub-project

Resource Complementarity Sub-project

Mohamed Arouri
Professor at Université Nice Côte d’Azur & International Consultant in Sustainability & Climate Finance
Lanouar Charefeddine
Associate Professor of Economics, Qatar University
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Oualid Jouini
Associate Professor, Ecole Centrale Paris, France
Benjamin Legros
Associate Professor in Finance, EM Normandy, France
Mariem Mhiri
Post-Doc at Qatar University
Mohamed Umlai
Research Assistant (in Trade Finance) · Qatar University

Augmented Intelligence Sub-project

Xia Ben Hu
Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering, Texas A&M University, USA
Karma Sherif
Professor of Management Information Systems, Qatar University

Governance Sub-project

Jon Truby
Director of the Centre for Law & Development Associate Professor of Law College of Law - Qatar University
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Riccardo Vecellio Segate
Research Assistant in Law